Monday 27 June 2016 is live now!

The web interface of MapCortex application now is alive, which means it is fully catered for both search engine and real visitors. How is this done? Well, so far you were only able to reach this website using website. However, this is changed and now you can also reach it using

The content is not changed plus there are a few pages within the site where the "Under construction" sign is still there but that should change fairly shortly!

MapCortex Windows Store Application - Certification status

It is rather unbelievable but it is actually done. The MapCortex Windows Store Application is currently under review by the Microsoft team, which means we actually managed to complete the first release! It is said that every start is difficult, from here it will be a piece of cake...well let us see that :D.

Apparently Windows Store Application reviews takes 16 hours to complete - well this is what Microsoft says. Plus in case of disapproval of the application we need to address all highlighted issues, whihc can take longer than we expect to be.

All in all - the ball is at Microsoft's court, and if everything goes well you can all start drawing, measuring, sharing and working with all sort of maps using MapCortex Free Editions.

Thursday 9 June 2016

MapCortex Version 1.0 - nearly there

After several weeks of lengthy struggle we finally arrived to a very important stage - we are nearly done. The MapCortex Windows store application is good to go - along with some extra features we added in to the users.

So what you will be able to do with it? Plenty of things, such as:

  • Drawing on maps.
  • Sharing your drawing with your friends and they can continue editing and manipulating the drawing - and send it back to you too!
  • Create a screenshot of the map and drawing and post it for free on our website!
  • Add a hyper-link to each screenshot, which would help you relate the map screen shots.
  • Add over 100's of icons to the map.
  • Select from over 10 basemaps, including 3 streetmaps.
Yes, we need to emphasis on one thing - it is for free! :D